Strategic Councils
Strategic Councils partner public and private entities to discuss and impact local issues. Current councils are Affordability, Transportation and Live Music/Culture.
- The Affordability Strategic Council focuses on defining and measuring issues affecting affordability in Central Texas including housing and beyond.
- Chair: Sarah Andre, Structure Development
- Staff Liaison: Paulette Gibbins
- The Creative Culture Strategic Council engages ULI members to look at the effects of real estate on Austin’s unique culture and development, so to maintain our culture.
- Chair: OPEN
- Staff Liaison: Paulette Gibbins
- The Transportation Strategic Council collaborates with area agencies and work to inform and educate ULI members on emerging and existing issues and news in transportation, and is a conduit to the real estate/development community for area agencies.
- Chair: Nicholas Samuel, CAMPO
- Staff Liaison: Paulette Gibbins
- The Local Climate Strategic Council explores local climate change adaptation and resilience opportunities that impact the built environment in Central Texas with the goal to improve people’s lives and communities.
- Chair: Michele Van Hyfte, HOK
- Staff Liaison: Paulette Gibbins
Issue Identification:
Councils define issue(s) to be addressed and how they will measure their success.
While we hope most of the participants are ULI members, selected government and non-profit representatives who can bring expertise or other attributes to the group should be included. Total size for a longer lasting council should be 10-20 people with diversification of profession, age and experiences.
Outcomes & Deliverables:
Each Strategic Council will establish short term outcomes/deliverables such as TAPs, panels, white papers or expert commentary with and attempt accomplish these in one per year time frame. A Council may also have longer-term goals over a 3-5 year period as well.