The Resilience & Sustainability Local Member Council (LMC) will focus on best practices for implementing sustainability, resiliency, and health across the real estate industry.
Resilience & Sustainability LMC Members
- John Hallock, RIOS
- Daniel Inda, IBI Group
Council Members:
- Travis Albrecht, Gensler
- Emma Beck, Longevity Partners
- Willow Cohn, Swinerton
- Robert Deegan, Rialto Studio
- Danea Dickey, WPS
- Kyle Dunning, Walter P Moore
- Trey Farmer, Forge Craft Architecture
- Lisa Gunsberg, Lights Fantastic Pro
- Nathan Quiring, Clayton Korte
- Zac Turov, EcoSmart Solution
- Marissa Wyrick, BGE
Staff Liaison: Molly Harvey