ULI Austin March Breakfast: What’s on the Horizon for The University of Texas at Austin [IN-PERSON]


2025-03-26T08:00:00 - 2025-03-26T09:30:00

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    Austin Central Library 710 W Cesar Chavez ST Austin, TX 78701-3821 UNITED STATES


    Pricing Members Non-Members
    Private $70.00 $95.00
    Public/Academic/Nonprofit $55.00 $95.00
    Retired $55.00 N/A
    Student $25.00 $25.00
    Under Age 35 $55.00 $95.00
    Unable to attend in-person? Register here to join virtually

    ULI Austin holds a monthly breakfast on the fourth Wednesday every month at 8:00-9:30am. We also offer a virtual live stream for those who are unable to attend in person. The monthly breakfasts cover a broad range of topics related to the built environment and offer valuable networking with 150-200 industry professionals in attendance. (Learn more about past and future breakfast topics.)

    The March Breakfast topic is What’s on the Horizon for The University of Texas at Austin.

    More information, including panelists' names, coming soon.